Feature Reqeusts

Forums NastPad Discussions Feature Requests Feature Reqeusts

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated April 5, 2017 by admin.
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    • #157

      I would like to run NASTRAN from editor with a run button or F11 (take in account that on pc, it would been present several NASTRAN version)

      I would to know which version of quick reference is used for card helper.

      I would like to view under the help card the tree with connection card. example:
      if a select a CBAR edit shows me PBARL and MAT associate or
      CQUAD4 >>PCOMP>>MAT8
      SPC1>>SPCADD>>SPC(in case control)

      Editor have to collapse the row with same property(every element under a Property card) or start word(grid)(like as sub function in computer language).

      alert me if there are same boundary constrain are not active in case control(same time id does not match)

      when user write in first 8 fields propose a possible completion of card

      take in account large field with 16 fields

    • #160

      Hi marco,
      Thank you for your suggestions!
      They will be posted individually and linked back to this topic. Please see the individual topics for updates.
      Your last suggestion regarding large fields is already identified on the website and will not be addressed in the forum. It is hoped large fields will be fully supported within the next two beta releases.

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