NastPad has some great new features to check out and is available for download now!
What’s new:

- Cross-referencing model card IDs is now available via the new ‘Cross-reference model’ tool. This can be used to check for missing, duplicate and/or orphaned cards within a model. Not only can it prevent FATAL errors in Nastran, but it can also be used to find passive modelling errors that Nastran will not report.
- Extract data from text files (e.g. F06 and PCH) using the new ‘Parse Data from Files’ tool. Results data can be output to CSV files, or directly to a database. The tool uses one or more regular expressions to parse the data, and can be easily modified to suit individual needs.
- The Model tree has a new ‘Card mode’ (as pictured) that shows a list of all cards in the model, and can be expanded to show referenced cards. The list can be sorted and filtered, and double-clicking on a card item will jump to the card location in the file.
- The Model tree has a new Export menu that can be used to export the tree/file/card data to tab or comma delimited (CSV) format. It can also export formatted cards, and convert to a different format (e.g. long to short) if desired.
- The ‘Modify Files’ tool now has an option to convert Nastran card format (fixed/free and short/long) for various scopes.
- Improvements to Search and other miscellaneous enhancements.